Me vs Colon

Monday, May 23, 2011

Puzzle Partially Solved

I have found out some more information about my situation. In the ER on Friday, I had an MRI that showed no total obstruction nor abscess, so there is no need to be overly concerned. It did show that my J-pouch was distended again, but that took care of itself. It looks like I have a partial obstruction of the small bowel, which is not as serious as a total obstruction. A bowel obstruction happens when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely blocked. The blockage prevents food, fluids, and gas from moving through the intestines in the normal way. The blockage may cause severe pain that comes and goes as well as intense nausea and vomiting. When I was admitted to the hospital on Friday, my system was totally quiet -  a bad sign. Now it is making little noises but nothing is going through still. I have a couple more days to get it going again (I am still not allowed to eat or drink) before they put me on IV nutrition. I really really do not want IV nutrition so I am just crossing my fingers. Small bowel obstructions after surgery are not uncommon. People usually end up in the hospital until the obstruction subsides. I asked one of the doctors if this meant my second surgery would be delayed and she said that it most likely would not because it wasn't a surgical problem. That makes me feel better. The doctors put a rubber tube into my stoma yesterday to help any blockage resolve itself. It is still just sitting there but nothing has come out. 

In the mean time I am just chilling in the hospital. I have my computer so I can watch movies, TV and keep in touch with people. I have a book, some magazines and my ipod. My mom, dad and sister take turns spending the night in the hospital with me. I take walks until I have a pain spasm because walks are supposed to be very helpful. Luckily the floor plan is circular so I am never far from my room. When I was admitted on Friday, I had lost 15 pounds since surgery. Although I haven't eaten anything since then, I have gained five pounds back in IV fluids. My sister and my mom know the code to the staff-only kitchen closet so they take graham crackers when they get really hungry. 

I am definitely better than I was on Thursday and Friday, when at every moment I questioned how I was going to survive to the next moment. Hopefully I have that experience behind me and I will just get over this silly obstruction as soon as possible, preferably without IV nutrition. 


  1. Happy to hear you're on the mend! Hopefully it sticks. If you're bored, you can check out the beginnings of my blog, in which I plan to chronicle my own surgery experience. I've found your blog (and other J-Pouch blogs) especially helpful as I contemplate my decision, and I hope to be that resource for others. It's called Know Guts (

  2. Hope you get better soon Emily. I love reading all your posts. So impressed that you are blogging so much! I'm moving up to Santa Clara for the summer on Sunday, I'll text you and hopefully you'll be out the hospital by then so I can come visit! Good luck!
